

IDee255000E 耳环 ¥280--法国IDee艺术首饰品爱之果实耳钉--当峭厉的西风把天空刷得愈加高远的时候;当陌上呼头的孩子 望断了最后一只南飞雁的时候;当辽阔的大野无边的青草被摇曳 得株株枯黄的时候—一当在这个时候,便是秋了,便是树木落叶 ,丰收果实的季节了。--5.3g
Women's beauty sourses from heart, just like the IDee jewelry reveals unique beauty carelessly, palpitates the will of the people easily. The IDee accessories are all designed uniquely, both elegant and fashion. Especially the series of mounting is matched by luxurious swarovski quartz, pearl, agate and so on, sparkles the eye-catching ray. The intoxicant appearance will let you unfold the graceful makings all the time. How can’t you be moved?Wearing the charming IDee jewelry, your mood will be bright everyday. The IDee jewelry is worth possessing!