    配饰从经典中新生 2009各大品牌的春夏新款法国IDee首饰单品也应时应景,推出了各种红心--华美的红心项链、耳环,精致的零钱包、钥匙扣,可爱的包包和T恤……从明星到潮人都被一颗颗红心所俘虏。这一季,就让我们拥抱时尚界新的献礼,.
IDee手链首饰批发  IDee戒指首饰批发 IDee项链首饰批发 IDee耳环首饰批发    
Gary wright and Sheila Teague are the design duo behind the brand name IDee.The mission of IDee is to create moderncontemporary luxury.With a strong sense of exclusive style IDee design is based on international fashion moods and the romantic French design tradition.FOR information go to www.ideewomen.com
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