IDee“春意”春夏 诱惑系列
    IDee首饰今季特别推出“春意”系列产品让美丽女人用自然而闪亮的色彩彩变幻着美丽,搭配着自己的心情,让魅力的女人生活多姿多彩, ,在奢华而现代的都市中感悟生活
IDee手链首饰批发  IDee戒指首饰批发 IDee项链首饰批发 IDee耳环首饰批发    
Gary wright and Sheila Teague are the design duo behind the brand name IDee.The mission of IDee is to create moderncontemporary luxury.With a strong sense of exclusive style IDee design is based on international fashion moods and the romantic French design tradition.FOR information go to
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